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Friday, April 30, 2010



Whether it's your birthday or the birthday of someone close to you, it'll always be an occasion that remains the reservoir of happy memories, lots of laughter and frenchwholesome family fun! Birthday is one of those occasions where the strong emotional bonds, warmth of heartfelt best wishes go beyond the barrier of language and sincere and cordial birthday wish always becomes successful in conveying with its true glory. Other than the usual party, celebrations, good food and sparkling birthday gifts, it is a day when the spotlight shines on friends, relatives, parents and cheerful memories. It is the day when the birthday boy or girl is in his or her most emotionally vulnerable state. Feelings, thoughts previously unspoken, may be in fear of denunciation are expressed on this day as it is the perfect occasion to share feelings and emotions along with best wishes. When it comes to wishing your loved ones on his or her birthday, originality and uniqueness is the key to make your dear one feel surprised and delighted. It's hard to put in to words what you want to express to the birthday boy or girl on that special day, but once you tell them how wonderful you feel on their birthday, the expression on their face with bright smile and cheerful look makes the day all the more special. To brighten up the birthday of your loved ones you may be finding the right word to express your heartfelt best wishes can be a difficult task, so why don't you go beyond the barrier of language and wish happy birthday in different languages. It's sure to make your friend, relative or whoever is the birthday boy or girl, feel fascinated and really excited at this unique birthday wish. Even if it is the birthday celebration of a little kid, wishing happy birthday in different languages can be a quite an educating way of wishing someone happy birthday. Kids can learn those languages a little and feel fascinated in exploring more, consequently stirring their learning faculty in an indirect way. Here is a list which will help you to wish "Happy Birthday" in different languages of the world. So next time you are at a birthday party you can share the joy and excitement in different languages. It can be an amusing at the same time a unique learning experience for both of you.

·         Brazil: Parabéns a você! nesta data querida muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida.
·         Chinese-Cantonese: Sun Yat Fai Lok!</p> <p>Chinese-Mandarin: qu ni sheng er kuai le
·         Croatian: Sretan Rodendan!
·         Czech: Vsechno nejlepsi k Tvym narozeninam!!
·         Danish: Tillykke med fodselsdagen!
·         Dutch: Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! or Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!
·         Esperanto: Felichan Naskightagon!
·         Farsi: Tavalodet Mobarak!
·         Finnish: Hyvaa syntymapaivaa!
·         French (Canada): Bonne Fete!
·         French: Joyeux Anniversaire!
·         German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
·         Greek: Eytyxismena Genethlia! or Chronia Pola!
·         Hawaiian: Hau`oli la hanau!
·         Hebrew: Yom Huledet Same'ach!
·         Hungarian: Boldog szuletesnapot! or Isten eltessen!
·         Italian: Buon Compleanno!
·         Japanese: Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
·         Russian: S dniom razhdjenia! or Pazdravliayu s dniom razhdjenia!
·         Spanish: Feliz Cumpleaños!
·         Swedish: Grattis på födelsedagen
·         Taiwanese: San leaz quiet lo!
·         Thai: Suk San Wan Keut!
·         Ukrainian: Mnohiya lita! or Z dnem narodjennia!

Whether it's your birthday or the birthday of someone close to you, it'll always be an occasion that remains the reservoir of happy memories, lots of laughter and wholesome family fun! Birthday is one of those occasions where the strong emotional bonds, warmth of heartfelt best wishes go beyond the barrier of language and sincere and cordial birthday wish always becomes successful in conveying with its true glory.

Other than the usual party, celebrations, good food and sparkling birthday gifts, it is a day when the spotlight shines on friends, relatives, parents and cheerful memories. It is the day when the birthday boy or girl is in his or her most emotionally vulnerable state. Feelings, thoughts previously unspoken, may be in fear of denunciation are expressed on this day as it is the perfect occasion to share feelings and emotions along with best wishes.

When it comes to wishing your loved ones on his or her birthday, originality and uniqueness is the key to make your dear one feel surprised and delighted. It's hard to put in to words what you want to express to the birthday boy or girl on that special day, but once you tell them how wonderful you feel on their birthday, the expression on their face with bright smile and cheerful look makes the day all the more special. To brighten up the birthday of your loved ones you may be finding the right word to express your heartfelt best wishes can be a difficult task, so why don't you go beyond the barrier of language and wish happy birthday in different languages. It's sure to make your friend, relative or whoever is the birthday boy or girl, feel fascinated and really excited at this unique birthday wish. Even if it is the birthday celebration of a little kid, wishing happy birthday in different languages can be a quite an educating way of wishing someone happy birthday. Kids can learn those languages a little and feel fascinated in exploring more, consequently stirring their learning faculty in an indirect way. Here is a list which will help you to wish "Happy Birthday" in different languages of the world. So next time you are at a birthday party you can share the joy and excitement in different languages. It can be an amusing at the same time a unique learning experience for both of you.

·         Brazil: Parabéns a você! nesta data querida muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida.

·         Chinese-Cantonese: Sun Yat Fai Lok!

·         Chinese-Mandarin: qu ni sheng er kuai le

·         Croatian: Sretan Rodendan!

·         Czech: Vsechno nejlepsi k Tvym narozeninam!!

·         Danish: Tillykke med fodselsdagen!

·         Dutch: Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! or Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!

·         Esperanto: Felichan Naskightagon!

·         Farsi: Tavalodet Mobarak!

·         Finnish: Hyvaa syntymapaivaa!

·         French (Canada): Bonne Fete!

·         French: Joyeux Anniversaire!

·         German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

·         Greek: Eytyxismena Genethlia! or Chronia Pola!

·         Hawaiian: Hau`oli la hanau!

·         Hebrew: Yom Huledet Same'ach!

·         Hungarian: Boldog szuletesnapot! or Isten eltessen!

·         Italian: Buon Compleanno!

·         Japanese: Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!

·         Russian: S dniom razhdjenia! or Pazdravliayu s dniom razhdjenia!

·         Spanish: Feliz Cumpleaños!

·         Swedish: Grattis på födelsedagen

·         Taiwanese: San leaz quiet lo!

·         Thai: Suk San Wan Keut!

·         Ukrainian: Mnohiya lita! or Z dnem narodjennia!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010



A motorcycle helmet is a type of protective headgear used by motorcycle rider. The  primary goal of a motorcycle helmet is motorcycle safety – to protect the rider’s head during impact, thus preventing or reducing head injury or saving the rider’s life. Some helmets provide additional conveniences such as ventilation, face shields, ear protection, intercom etc.
Motorcycle helmets greatly reduce injuries and fatalities in motorcycle accidents, thus many countries have laws requiring acceptable helmets to be worn by motorcycle riders.
There are five basic types of helmet (full face, Motocross, Flip-up, open face, Half helmet) intended for motorcycling, and others not intended for motorcycling but which are used by some riders. All of these types of helmets are secured by a chin strap, and their protective benefits are greatly reduced, if not eliminated, if the chin strap is not securely fastened so as to maintain a snug fit.

The conventional motorcycle helmet SHOULD have two principal protective components: a thin, hard, outer shell typically made from polycarbonate plastic, finger glass, or Kevlar and a soft, thick, inner liner usually made of expanded polystyrene or polypropylene foam. The purpose of the hard outer shell is:
1.       To prevent penetration of the helmet by a pointed object that might otherwise puncture the skull, and
2.       To provide structure to the inner liner so it does not disintegrate upon abrasive contact with pavement. This is important because the foams used have very little resistance to penetration and abrasion.

The purpose of the foam liner is to crush during an impact, thereby increasing the distance and period of time over which the head stops and reducing its deceleration.

To understand the action of helmet, it is first necessary to understand the mechanism of head injury. The common perception that a helmet’s purpose is to save the rider’s head from splitting open is misleading. Skull fractures are usually not life threatening unless the fracture is depressed and impinges on the brain beneath and bone fractures usually heal over a relatively short period. Brain injuries are much more serious. They frequently result in death, permanent disability or personality change and, unlike bone; neurological tissue has very limited ability to recover after an injury. Therefore, the primary purpose of helmet is to prevent traumatic brain injury while skull and face injuries are a significant secondary concern.

The most common type of head injury in motorcycle accidents is closed head injury, meaning injury in which the skull is not broken as distinct from an open head injury like a bullet wound. Closed head injury results from violet acceleration of the head which causes the brain to move around inside the skull. During an impact to the front of the head, the brain lurches forwards inside the skull, squeezing the tissue near the impact site and stretching the tissue on the opposite side of the head. Then the brain rebound in the opposite direction, stretching the tissue near the impact site and squeezing the tissue on the other side of the head. Blood vessels linking the brain to the inside of the skull may also break during this process, causing dangerous bleeding.
It is important that the liner in a motorcycle helmet is soft and thick so the head decelerates at a gentle rate as it sinks into it. Unfortunately, there is a limit to how thick the helmet can be for the simple reason that the helmet quickly becomes impractical if the liner is more than 12inches (2.25cm) thick. This implies a limit to how soft the liner can be. If the liner is too soft, the head will crush it completely upon impact without coming to a stop. Outside the liner is hard plastic shell and beyond that is whenever the helmet is hitting, which is usually an unyielding surface, like concrete pavement. Consequently, the head cannot move any further, so after crushing the liner it comes suddenly to an abrupt stop, causing high accelerations that injure the brain.

Since the enforcement of the helmet law in Nigeria which states that all motorbike (Okada) riders must wear a crash helmet and insist that their passenger [if any] wears one as well at all times, several issues weigh on its successful adoption.

Nigerians are used to problems and have become masters at improvising in the face of lack or difficulty. It is therefore, not surprising that most of the okada riders have only been pretending to comply with the new enforcement of a law. Calabashes, aluminum buckets, cycling helmets, cycle racing helmets, soldier’s helmets, riding hats with metallic stripes painted on them are now used! Commercial motorbike drivers and their passengers have resorted to resorted to all sorts of weird and wonderful headgear since the new law took effect January 1, 2009. Of course, helmets that are not designed for motorcycle riders cannot protect the riders effectively in the event of a crash.

Okada drivers are obliged to carry a helmet for the passenger but many passenger objects to wearing them for hygienic reasons. Some people complain they might have skin diseases;
“If I use a helmet I put a handkerchief under it, “said Seun, a Lagos resident in his 30’s. Others wear a shower cap or even a plastic carrier bag. Many female passengers are seriously concerned about their hairdos. They hold their handbag in one hand and the helmet in the other. In the event of a brush with the police they rest it on top of their braids. A possible issue for both sexes is black magic. Some passengers are afraid of juju (black magic), that they will disappear if they wear the helmet, “said Tayo, 22, who has been an Okada driver for the past year. Okada drivers have been complaining about the cost of proper helmet going sky high, compared to their takings. However hundreds of thousands of motor bikes have been confiscated for non-compliance across the country, and they pay the stipulated fine (about N1, 500.00) and show proof of having acquired a helmet before release of their bikes. In the national orthopaedic hospital in Lagos, where Okada accident victims are bought in every day, staff says the new law was long overdue. Head injuries can result in a hospital stay of between three and six months, and a bill of over N 140,000 out of the reach of many patients.


Thursday, April 22, 2010



People often say “comes a great position, comes a great responsibility” and also to become a leader is not a child’s play. Moreover “Rome was not built in day.” To become a leader requires activity that includes many processes. The process which are involved is similar to achieve who was given birth to yesterday, can that child start speaking the same day, walk the same day and doing some other things that same day. Growth and development naturally evolve gradually and mature overtime. The same goes for the making of a leader.

When a child is born, he/she is adequately fed for the growth purpose and through this; he requires energy that should carry him through life. When he is expected to start walking or doing other necessary things, and he does not, he become a problem or liability as so many people call it to the parents.

Some people often complaint that they are not successful because they are from poor family background without any financial support of the parents and also because of lack of education. However, all these are not reasonable reasons to give up in pursue of success. Many who are presently leaders in our country today are from naturally poor background without much financial help and no moral support.

Certain tips bring about success in leadership. The tips could be given as “discipline”, “determination”, and “diligence”. Without all these three things, no one can become a leader, and also a successful one.

Right from the early stage in life, one must be determine to reach the top or else all hopes would just be like a dream. Determination is getting one’s mind made up to accomplish or tackle a particular task. This could be in the area of education, personal endeavour and religion. This will give such individual the ability to set goals and work hard at realizing the goals such a person with great firmness of purpose and hard work will definitely reach the top.

The second tip is discipline. There is need for self-discipline in order to indicachieve what one has determined to do. Such a person who has the determination to reach the top must not engage in all the things that other people do which make them static. Others may spend their time engaging in unnecessary discussion and play, overreacting, moving about aimlessly and not having a workable timetable except accompanying with bad guys. An intending leader is a disciplined one which must have been cultivated right from childhood all through to adulthood. No indiscipline person can reach the height of a leader unless he/she will fumble at the top.

The third thing is diligence. As it is often said “the hand of diligent beareth rule.” The fact remains that the leader are always the diligent ones. They must carefully plan and work through their plans. All these are not achieved in a day, but are being imbibed into one’s life as one grows. The fact that one has failed before does not limit ones chance of becoming a leader. It however calls for more carefulness and extra effort to reach the top.

One of such is the all time greatest America president Abraham Lincoln who failed many times before becoming a leader, but what took him to the top was his determination, discipline and diligence.


Monday, April 19, 2010



Many businesses and organizations have a perception that marketing means promotions and advertising. They think being good at marketing is producing a glossy brochure and having an ad on the local radio or television.

But marketing is much more than slick promotions and expensive pamphlets. It is about a process and having a clear strategy. It is also about structuring every aspect of your business to include a marketing function.

It is also about understanding marketing strategies, the tools of marketing and the language of marketing. Many people are frightened or are put off by the jargon and concepts put forward by so called marketing experts.

This article attempts to simplify the process. To provide a "how to" of what's required to develop winning marketing ideas.

Many people also believe they are too busy or don't have enough time or energy to develop marketing ideas. It doesn't have to be difficult or complex.

Many great marketing strategies are very simple and straightforward.

In fact, I believe everyone has a great marketing idea inside of him or her just waiting to come out! What’s stopping you from taking the next step?

My goal is to help you overcome any procrastination and provide a framework where your ideas can grow and prosper.

How will I know if I've been successful?